Aussies protecting the environment one drop at a time

Chemical Particulate 2.5kg


Chemical Particulate 2.5kg

  • Absorbs most acids, bases, coolant, paint, solvents, oil and other hazardous chemicals
  • Use wherever chemicals are stored, handled and spilled
  • Able to absorb up to 20x times its own weight in liquid
  • Chemical particulate is ideal for chemical processing plants, paint and panel shops, chemical storage and handling facilities, transport warehouses, food and beverage processing plants, printing and automotive workshops
  • Particulate is ideal for placing on and around a spill to solidify and absorb
  • Absorbs and cleans up most acids, bases, paints, solvents, hydrocarbons inks, dyes and aggressive water-based liquids on contact
  • Made from 100% Unisorbā„¢ meltblown polypropylene – able to absorb up to 20 times its own weight in liquid. Unisorbā„¢ is an inert, surface-modified polypropylene which does not degrade or chemically react with the absorbed liquid
  • High absorbency to weight ratio = lower transport and disposal costs
  • Non-allergenic, non-hazardous with no dust
  • Fast wicking action allows quick clean up, reduces potential slip hazards and improves safety in the workplace
  • Simple to use without the need for specialised PPE

To view Spill Crew’s full range of absorbents including general purpose, oil and fuel and hazchem please click here

Chemical particulate

2.5kg bag = absorbs 50 litres of liquid
Supplied loose in a 2.5kg bag

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