Aussies protecting the environment one drop at a time

Spill Kit – Lab and Healthcare Hazchem up to 14L


Spill Kit – Lab and Healthcare Hazchem up to 14L

This chemical spill kit barrel has been designed for labs, medical facilities and hospitals.

HAZCHEM absorbents for corrosive and unknown liquids to rapidly absorb virtually all chemicals such as: aggressive acids and bases, paints, coolants, degreasers, herbicide, pesticides

Made in Australia by Australians.

A chemical spill kit barrel is a lightweight, easy to use pink polypropylene booms, pillows, mats and pads that are clean, non-allergenic, dust-free and absorb virtually any chemicals making them perfect for use in today’s modern workplace.

The advantages of a Spill Crew spill kit:

  • All absorbents and kits are made in Australia by Australians. This allows us to customise, maintain quality control and supply continuously.
  • All Spill Crew pail kits contain appropriate and prominent UV-resistant signage.
  • Chemical spill kit barrel has an actual absorbent capacity will vary depending on liquid viscosity, specific gravity and temperature.

Spill Crew stock a wide range of spill kits such as general purpose, oil and fuel, hazchem, marine and healthcare. To view the full range please click here.


Code Description
SCKLH14R Lab & Healthcare Pail Spill Kit 14L


Quantity Item Code
4 Absorbent boom, 60cm x 6cm SCUS10L
6 Absorbent pillows, 18cm x 18cm SCUP10L
25 Absorbent pads, 18cm x 18cm SCUHP10L

Maximum absorbent capacity: up to 14 litres
Pail colour: White with red label
Shipping weight: 1 kg
Shipping dimensions: 25 x 25 x 28cm
*Actual absorbent capacity will vary depending on liquid viscosity, specific gravity and temperature.

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