A biohazard spill kit contain:
- This biohazard spill kit contains encapsulating powder that when mixed with water, solidifies the spill into a spadable mass.
- A plastic scoop and pan is included to lift and place contaminated matter into disposal bag.
- Sanitising liquid is used to sanitise and clean up spill area. Helps reduce unpleasant smells.
- Spill kit includes label, laminated re-order form & operating instructions.
- Spill kit is supplied in a handy zip lock pouch.
The advantages of a Spill Crew spill kit:
- All absorbents and kits are made in Australia by Australians. This allows us to customise, maintain quality control and supply continuously.
Spill Crew stock a wide range of spill kits such as general purpose, oil and fuel, hazchem, marine and healthcare. To view the full range please click here.