Spill Crew warehouse chemical spill kit contains:
- Vermiculite floor sweep – a highly-absorbent, mineral-based particulate that is excellent with most chemicals. Vermiculite is often recommended as the preferred absorbent on Material Data Safety Sheets. It is lightweight and easy to use with excellent vapour suppressing properties.
- Pink polypropylene booms and pads that are clean, non-allergenic and dust-free, making them perfect for use in today’s modern workplace. They are ideal for use with most chemicals and unknown liquids.
- Necessary PPE and disposal bags
- Operating instructions and re-order forms
The advantages of Spill Crew spill kits:
- All absorbents and kits are made in Australia by Australians. This allows us to customise, maintain quality control and supply continuously.
- All wheelie bin kits are supplied with an audit tag and have pre-drilled holes for audit tag insertion so users can readily identify if the kit has been opened. It also helps prevent the kit from being used as a rubbish bin.
- All Spill Crew wheelie bin kits contain appropriate and prominent UV resistant signage and include a document storage pocket to hold and protect instructions for use and re-order forms (supplied).
- Spill Crew’s chemical spill kit can be reordered in a simple refill pack. The refill pack will contain all absorbents and accessories originally included when the kit was purchased.
Spill Crew stock a wide range of spill kits such as general purpose, oil and fuel, hazchem, marine and healthcare. To view the full range please click here.