Aussies protecting the environment one drop at a time

Joining Strip for low profile bunds


Joining Strip for low profile bunds

  • Join any low profile spill pallet together with another low profile spill pallet to make a larger bunded work area.
  • Multi joined bunded areas can be used for gensets, compressors or larger drum storage areas.
  • TheĀ joining stripsĀ prevent spills from seeping between bunds and affecting the environment.

Spill pallet joining strips and bund connectors are used to create a large bunded work platform by simply connecting any size low profile bund.

The joining strips prevent spills from seeping between pallets and subsequently affecting the environment.

Use bund connectors to increase the sump capacity by joining your spill pallets together. This allows the storage of larger containers on the bunded area.

To join the bunds together, simply push the U-shaped channel down the length of the join.

Joining strips are avialble in two sizes: 1183mm and 1793mm, please select your size from the drop down menu above.

To view Spill Crew’s full range of low profile drum bunds please click here.


Code Description Size
DBLPJS1183 Joiner strip, polypropylene 1183mm
DBLPJS1793 Joiner strip, polypropylene 1793mm
DBC Connector for low profile bunds
(Recommend two double bund connectors for each joined sump)

The table below helps you select which joining strips you need to create a bunded area.

Drum bund Short side Long side
DB2LP Ā½ x DBLPJS1183 1 x DBLPJS1183
DB4LP 1 x DBLPJS1183 1 x DBLPJS1183
DB6LP 1 x DBLPJS1183 1 x DBLPJS1793
DB8LP 1 x DBLPJS1183 2 x DBLPJS1183

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