Aussies protecting the environment one drop at a time

Eyewash Station Preservative


Eyewash Station Preservative

Spill Crew eyewash preservative is used to keep eyewash water clean and help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the eyewash tank.

Spill Crew eyewash preservative is used to keep eyewash water clean and help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the eyewash tank. Designed to be used with the Spill Crew Portable Gravity Fed Eyewash system SCSS-EG34.

  • Bottle contents: Chlorhexidine gluconate 1% W/V
  • Bottle size: 250ml
  • Sold in a carton of 4 x 250ml bottles (annual supply)
  • Eyewash fluid and preservative need to be replaced if there is any debris in the tank. Otherwise we recommend replacing eyewash preservative and fluid every 12 weeks.
  • The eyewash solution shall be maintained at 250ml of 1% W/V preservative in 34L of potable water.
  • Detailed eyewash maintenance instructions including the use of eyewash preservative are included with the Spill Crew Portable Eyewash Unit SCSS-EG34.
  • Spill Crew eyewash preservative can be used with other portable eyewash stations in line with manufacturer instructions.

Safety directions:

  • For use in emergency eye wash stations only.
  • In case of contact with eyes in undiluted form, flush with clean water.
  • Keep out of reach of children and keep container tightly closed.
  • Store in the original container below 25°C and out of direct sunlight.


Directions for use are included on the preservative bottle and carton:

  1. Wear appropriate protective eyewear and gloves for mixing.
  2. Before adding the preservative, drain, clean and flush the eyewash station tank and pipework.
  3. Fill station with potable water to half capacity.
  4. Add entire contents of 250ml preservative solution and mix thoroughly.
  5. Fill the tank according to the eye wash station instructions.
  6. Date and initial the eyewash inspection label on the cap.
  7. Use and maintain 250ml of 1% W/V preservative in 34L of potable water.
  • Bottle contents: Chlorhexidine gluconate 1% W/V
  • Bottle size: 250ml
  • Sold in a carton of 4 x 250ml bottles (annual supply)

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